i could memorise. i hope you can also. click the link
How to memorise chapter name and sections of income tax?
rakesh (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (76 Points)
04 March 2014
(Student CS)
(39 Points)
Replied 05 March 2014
this is indeed too good. i could also memorise chapter names and sections associated with it. thanks
(Student CS)
(39 Points)
Replied 21 March 2014
Title : How to subtract date from date without using excel or any other programming
Common sense way of subtracting 2 dates. At many places students are required to compute number of days, months and years between 2 dates. For example in computing exemption of gratuity duration of service is required. I have seen student calculating duration of service in fingers. It is time consuming and mistake prone. Therefore to make it easy I teach them how to subtract 2 dates. Similarly in computing leave salary, sale of movable assets etc there is a requirement of subtraction of dates. I hope students will like my small efforts. Your encouragement and kindness always welcome. thanks for watching this video patiently.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961