Dear Apurva,
Suppose If some one is delete the locker. So what is the next way to keep the locker safety.
(39 Points)
Replied 04 June 2008
Dear Apurva,
Suppose If some one is delete the locker. So what is the next way to keep the locker safety.
(Assistant Audit Officer)
(1675 Points)
Replied 04 June 2008
Quite a nice cool trick dear.
(Assistant Audit Officer)
(1675 Points)
Replied 04 June 2008
As far as I have tried it, I think, it's only a little difficult to get the password hacked / changed.
It increases the vulnerability and reduces its popularity.
Yet, it's a powerful tool. It can't be hacked by novices.
Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
(1397 Points)
Replied 04 June 2008
Chirag, Ya it is easy to edit .bat file but no one know except u that .bat is having ur password and even coded bw the vb scriptt code.
Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
(1397 Points)
Replied 04 June 2008
I am not sure that lock can stop deleting file..It can control attributes of file but cant control the tickets sent to windows.
(Assistant Audit Officer)
(1675 Points)
Replied 05 June 2008
I experimented it y'day and found that anyone having simple knowledge of PCs, can change the pw from that file and ruin ur trick.
To save it, just hide the locker file.
Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
(1397 Points)
Replied 05 June 2008
yes, earlier also i told that password can be ur surroudings u only know that lock,bat has ur it is in ur hand to manage the file...
(Assistant Audit Officer)
(1675 Points)
Replied 06 June 2008
There's a problem here.
The password supplied, even if incorrect, succeds to open the folder and hence it fails.
(Assistant Audit Officer)
(1675 Points)
Replied 11 June 2008
Not a bit tedious.
I suggest u don't keep the locker.bat file instead u keep the text document with u.
whenever u want to use its features, open it and save as anyname.bat
What an Idea?
Yuvraj Kumar
(Asst. Manager (IT))
(27 Points)
Replied 11 June 2008
One of the main issue is that the folder gets disappeared but the .bat file still remains intact. So in this case, the user can open the bat file in a text editor and can reveal the password. By this way, the idea of locking a folder gets weak. There is only a way to kick this case is that one should place this .bat file in a removable disk and execute whenever the user want to hide/unhide the folder from the removable device itself. But in some cases, this solution also doesnt seem of working. isnt?
Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
(1397 Points)
Replied 11 June 2008
Yes, Its true but even if file will be visible. The new user will not be aware that this file will be having the password etc. So can be granted to use. what do u say?
Priyanka Kala
(Student CA & CS)
(1397 Points)
Replied 24 June 2008
Will check and let u know..Until u can refer excel sheet shared in shared files..