How to know voucher altered/deleted in tally imp!

CS,CA F,Numrologi TusharSampat (CS CA F Numerologist Astrologer Graphologist Face reader Vastu Expert)   (85930 Points)

05 December 2012  


Many are asking, how to find out the user responsible for creating, editing and deleting a particular voucher or masters in tally. Tally allows us to track the user activity by enabling audit feature in security control.

This is helpful for large scale organization employing more than one account staffs, and can avoid disputes among the staff with regards to a wrong entry. By using this feature management can analyze the performance of staff better.

Before reading this lesson you must read how to create users and security control here.

Step 1

The First Step for tracking user activity is that activating the audit feature

How to activate audit feature

To activate audit feature in tally you should do the following

Load the company, in which audit feature is to be activated, then

Go to

Gateway of Tally>>Company Info (Alt+F3)>>Alter

Select the company

Under Security control, make sure that “Use Tally Audit Features “is activated. If not Make this to Yes

activate audit feature

Which user, edited, deleted, entered a transaction or master?

How to find out who entered a voucher in case of a dispute among users?  Let’s find out this with an example.

The activity sequence must be in the following manner to find out the responsible person

  • On 01.102012 Rahul entered a payment transaction conveyance paid Rs 5425
  • The   administrator must accept rahul’s transaction after 01.10.2012
  • On 28/11/2012 Prem edited this transaction to Rs 4525

In the above actions, transaction creation and editing we have already learned in previous lessons.


How an administrator can accept user’s entry?

Login with administrator password, or use a password which has the right to accept or audit user entry.

Gateway of Tally>>Display>>Statement of Accounts>>Tally Audit>>User

Select the user entered the data, Here Rahul

Press enter again, now you will see types of voucher entered by rahul


In this example Rahul entered payment voucher, so select payment voucher and press enter. The next screen is the month of entry, select the month, here it is October.


Press enter again, now you will get list of entered altered payment voucher, you can check the accuracy of the voucher entry here. After verification on the right hand side of the window you can see F7: Accept one and F7: Accept All, 


F7 is used to accept a single voucher, and Alt+F7 is used to accept all voucher entered in October.

Let’s use Alt+F7, or Accept all buttons to accept the voucher entered by rahul. The item will disappear from the list after accepting the voucher.

Step 3

Assume that user perm edited this voucher on 28/11/2012. And he has changed the amount Rs 4525.00.After some day’s dispute arisen among them.

In such case, to find out the responsible person for entry and edit

Go to Daybook

Gateway of Tally>>Display>>Daybook

Select the voucher date here the date is 01-10-2012, then press F12 to access configuration window.


In the configuration screen locate Option, show Entered /Altered By, and Set this option to Yes, Press enter and save.

The name of the user who have entered and altered that particular transaction displayed in the day book. This can be viewed by data entry operator and administrator based on the options allotted to them.