How to handle criticism!




No matter how positive people try to be, criticism hurts. No one really enjoys criticism. Although we consider criticism to be negative, it can actually be a positive force in helping us improve ourselves. You may never learn to love it, you can, however, learn to live with it. The secret is discovering how to respond in a positive way. Here are some of the guidelines that can help us to handle criticism:


1.     Don’t be defensive. This only indicates your insecurity. Also emotional outbursts solve no problem and usually make matters worse.

2.     If you have heard the same criticism more than once, pay close attention. If several people make similar comments, there is probably a valid problem.

3.     Consider the source of the criticism. Is the person criticizing you upset about something else?

4.     Learn to relax. It may not be easy, but you can learn to relax, even when you are under pressure.

5.     Separate your self from your behaviour. Even good people choose wrong actions.

6.     Try to learn something. There may be a valuable lesson for you in the criticism.