kindly tell me what is the procedure for registration in excise ...and in details
Lalit Sangani
(M.Com. Asst. Manager Account)
(736 Points)
Replied 30 May 2012
dear ankur,
first you have to arrange the following document for submission in excise department : -
> Photo of Directors
> Memorandum & Articles of Association
> Pan No. of Company with Authorization
> Vat / CST Certificate of state where godown/ factory located
> Rent Agreement of godown / factory
> Godown Map
> Pan no. of Directors with Authorization
> Electricity Bills
>. Power of Attorney
> Detail of Bank Account Number
arrange after above document go to click on central excise,
after click on that you will find login and passward
below on logins and passward there is one option available for New Users to Click here to Register with ACES .
log in new users fill up require data than aces will send you one mail for usar name and passward within 24 hrs,
after receive mail login with usar name and passward
than you have to fill A-1 form.