HOw To GeT rAnK iN PCC????
HULASH KUMAR CHOUHAN (Student) (156 Points)
25 September 2009HULASH KUMAR CHOUHAN (Student) (156 Points)
25 September 2009
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
Dear friend my advise to you is first complete your course and resolve all your queries. Forget about your past performance. Try and use it in your future performance. Once you complete your course then think about rank. All the Best.
Krunal Raichura
(Financial Advisory)
(2134 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
All suggestions related to studies, books etc take the second place. How much you will study, understand is also a secondary matter.
First is how you think. The thought process starts first. So if you want to get a rank, the pre-requisite is to think about it at the first place continously. Even if you havent studied till now, even if you must have not understood, even on the day of exam if you feel you havent understood certain things and not studied well, you have to stick to the thought of getting a rank. You dont have to think below a rank, come what may. Be strong with your thoughts first.
Off course, thoughts will have to be supported with necessary actions, but thinking positive at first place is a must to give you motivation to do the actions well and religiously.
Krunal Raichura
(Financial Advisory)
(2134 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
What Ankur sir says is also right. That is also a way to think. In that case, your progress in preparations will slowly bring about a progress in your thinking.
Whereas in my suggestion, the superior thought process will bring out superior actions, but the pre-requistie as mentioned is to think strongly about your wishes. This ideology has been mentioned in the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.
CA CS Bhumika Thakkar
(1618 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
good going krunal...u learnt well...
Shashi Bhushan
(Learner, Jalandhar)
(996 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
finish 100% syllabus atleast 3 months before exam. then get yourself disconnected from the world including family. then repeat the whole syllabus atleast 5 times. prepare books of atleast 2 authors for every subjects. and main thing is you must be very intelligent student with extra quality mind gifted by God. then rest will depend on god. for this you can take blessings of your parents.
CA Parth Shah
(Chartered Accountant)
(369 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
yes u r getting right suggestions.since u have not started yet,u shud not bothered about rank.
bcz rank holders also dont prepare just to get ranks.du everythng from basics n clear ur fundamentals..
finish up wid ur course till at least FEB-10.den evaluate whether ur preparation is enough to secure rank!!!!!!
forget ur 10th,12th and cpt does not matter at dis stage.
Aashish Dinanath Tripathi
(Articled Assistant and NCFM(CMDM))
(233 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
I too planned for a rank but cud manage only 59%
Prerequsites of getting a rank
1. Atleast 7-8 months of study leave/DUmmy
2. Good guidance (Coaching classes)in subjects like costing, fm, accounts, tax
3. Repetitive reading of theorey of Cost and FM
4. Detailed reading and understanding of Law and Audit
5. Byhearting IT and SM,
Voila u are a rank holder.
Krunal Raichura
(Financial Advisory)
(2134 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
Well I beg to differ with certain views.
You dont need to be an extraordinary very very intelligent, books savy student, nor do you need to do dummy articleship.
My colleagues, who never got time to attend classes, worked for 15-20 hrs throughout the year, are in top 10 in pcc. So many people from my firm are in top 10, inspite of not attending classes and getting the least leave among all their peers.
Dummy articleship and books savy is surely not the criteria to get a rank.
My firm is an example of regular articleship students coming in top 10 in India.
(24 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
i am kamal i am working how can i complete cpt?office time 9.30 to 7.30pm please guide me.
(43 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
(61 Points)
Replied 25 September 2009
whatever is achieved in Past may not be repeated in future
My friend failed in 10th and cleared all levels of CA in 1 st attempt
and one with 86% is still struglin
Hard work is needed but Smartwork is the most important . Try that nothin remains for option and every concept u read is crystal clear
(PCC student)
(31 Points)
Replied 26 September 2009
Hello , my attempt is on May 2009 . I am very hard working student but due to articleship I just not ablr to find enough time for my studies .Pls. guide me so that i can get rank in both the groups . I am currently doing S.M,F.M Cost and law.please tell me if anyone has list of important sections of Companies act 1956.
(1108 Points)
Replied 03 November 2009
Just do smart work n a bit of hard work,,. youll definitely get rank
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