How to access evaluated answer sheets?
Date: ___ By speed post
2. Full Address: ________________________________
3. Particulars of information required:
5. Please rush the information to me by speed/registered post.
6. Please also provide me file notings and action taken report on this application along with your reply.
A] 49 page judgement of 2 judge bench of Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta in M.A.T. No. 275 of 2008 in University of Calcutta & ors. Vs. Pritam Rooj which is available at
B] judgement dated 30-08-2010 of Hon’ble Kerala High Court in WP(C).No. 6532 of 2006(C)
C] Madras High Court judgement dated 13-09-2010 in R. Ramasamy v/s Dr. Ambedkar Law University in W.P.(MD)NO.4815 of 2008.
D] Judgement dated 09-08-2011 of 2 Judge bench of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in CIVIL APPEAL NO.6454 OF 2011
Signature of Applicant
I authorize and permit PIO, to supply information sought by my father/mother/guardian and also allow me and my father/mother/guardian to inspect relevant answer sheet/s and connected record as requested per this application. I waive notices under section 11 of RTI Act 2005. I am an Indian citizen.
Signature of examinee ___________________
To enable you to take informed decision please refer:
Decision in Complaint No.CIC/AT/A/2007/01502 dated 24-10-08 available at
1. If the student has not completed 18 years of age, application has to be made by his/her father or mother or guardian to be on safer side. The student has to give consent only.
If student is above 18 years of age on date of filing application, he himself can file RTI application with relevant changes in above format or he can get it filed by his father/mother/guardian in above format by signing authority portion.
2. Please make payment of filing fee as per RTI rules of your state to which the examining board belongs.
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CBSE is a central govt entity and for it you should pay Rs.10/- by postal order in favour of ACCONTS OFFICER, CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. It should be payable at
4 Format and fee payment state-wise are available at and also in guide section of
5. Address of PIO is available at RTI link on the website of concerned examining board.
6. Above format and procedure can be followed for University exams also with relevant changes.
7. If you do not get reply within 40 days of mailing this application or if the reply is not satisfactory, please immediately file first appeal by visiting:
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9. In case of difficulty, post your problem on this portal and members will assist you.
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