How to deal with failure??
A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
03 September 2014A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
03 September 2014
(185 Points)
Replied 03 September 2014
here on cci somebosy has written an article namely i am chartered was very it.
helllo... first of all i wud say that u need to realize one thing looking at ur papers .. do u think the exams were dat much tough dat u cant score well in such papers... if you feel dat shayad agar tm thoda aur pdlo and u can get through den u shud not get back.. u knw dis word shayd now is supposed to be made reality.. if u r again sitting loosing ur heart ,,, u r just wasting ur precious tym dat needs to be put in your preparations.. so whenvr u sit back just think nov is not far.. u will have to do dis tym.. and dis tym not only for urselff but also for ur family.. GUD LUCK ..
absloutely correct said by himanshi... You need to review yourself now.. and stop posting on forums and asking of others dude... its only you who can make yourself feel best to do your best...
til nov nothing else much b there except studies.. forget everything.. work hard...
just concentrate on these two letters "CA", make them prefix with ur name
and whenever u feel down just take a blank paper write this name CA...... automatically confidence wil b there in you to achieve your goal... All the very best