The positive attitude and planned studies play the vital role to get the success in the exam than the hard work. There are following points which every student should keep in the mind:–
(A) Just before the exams:
Emphasis on topics which have more weightage in the exam.
Only study the key points rather than complete topic.
Sleep well (5-6 hrs.) before each paper in night.
Do not eat just before an exam. Take juice only.
Check that you are carrying your Permission letter, identity card, calculator, pen, etc.
Take special care of your health during exams days.
Once you are out of exam centre, forget about the paper you have already given.
(B) While giving exam
Take deep breaths to relax and ignore those around you in those agonising moments before the exam starts.
Read questions slowly and do not hurry in exams.
If you know only 40-50% marks paper, do not loose confidence as evaluation will be easy. If you know 100% paper, don’t be over confident as checking will be tough.
First attempt the question which you know best, then average, then best, then average, by which examiner will not be able to understand the real worth of student, the average question will the get same marks which best question will. The first impression is the last impression so always give a terrific start without any mistakes. When an examiner checks the paper, he can imagine the quality of a student by checking just few questions.
Take rest for a minute few times during the examination.
To explain the concepts, use diagrams, tables, charts as much as possible.
If you want to write the answer in paragraphs, then use short paragraphs.
Always solve the distinguish questions in comparative chart.
While attempting practical papers, gives working notes as much as possible.
Underline the key points.
Generally there is understanding that answers should be to the point, but length of the answers also matters.
Also attempt the questions even you do not know.
Check whether all questions have been attempted or not.
Do not leave the exam hall before time even if you are sure that you will succeed or fail.