How to claim previous year's uncredited refund not paid by IT Dept?

Cs26kit (Mr. ) (114 Points)

09 July 2023  


Last AY (2022-2023) I would have had a refund of Rs.85  because the Bank had deducted TDS (incorrectly). The new ITR site showed the refund amount correctly but refused to pay because the refund was less than Rs. 100. (I opine that this is foolish & unjust in the era of digital payments but that is for another day).

On researching about this, I read that the uncredited refund would be credited by adding it into "future" refunds whenever the total claimed amount would be more than 100.

This AY (2023-2024) , again I have a refund due of Rs. 90 (Same bank. Same incorrect TDS deduction.) On its own, this refund would again be refused by the IT Dept but claiming it along with the last years uncredited refund makes the total above Rs. 100.

However, the ITR-1 form on the site shows no trace of the uncredited TDS refund of the last year. So my queries are...

1.) Am I right in assuming the 2 uncredited tds refunds can be added?

2.) Why doesn't the ITR form show that the IT Dept is liable to pay my previous year's uncredited refund?

3.) If I am right, where & how to add the previous years uncredited refund amount? What should be the title?

Thank you very much.