is there any way to check CPE hours online ?
please revert, if there is any way !
thanx in advance !
Gourav Kapoor (CA Final Student) (2977 Points)
27 January 2010is there any way to check CPE hours online ?
please revert, if there is any way !
thanx in advance !
CA Pramod Jain
(manager finance)
(1577 Points)
Replied 27 January 2010
if u r from wirc region then go to wirc site there is one section in right side of screen for cpe hours status
CA. Dashrath Maheshwari
(15103 Points)
Replied 28 January 2010
Gourav Kapoor
(CA Final Student)
(2977 Points)
Replied 28 January 2010
Gourav Kapoor
(CA Final Student)
(2977 Points)
Replied 28 January 2010
(chartered accountant)
(356 Points)
Replied 31 January 2010
(1936 Points)
Replied 31 January 2010
(1678 Points)
Replied 20 February 2010
User ID is your membership no. and password is cpe followed by your membership no. u will get all details.
( CA -Industry- Sr.Accounts Officier)
(141 Points)
Replied 19 March 2010
ur user id is ir membership no. and password is
cpe (memembership no)
Pawan Mittal
(CA Final)
(711 Points)
Replied 26 March 2013
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies