Dear Sir / Madam.,
Thanks in Advance... We are received a bank statment from a Building contractor... His statments...
Total Bank Deposits (01/04/2016 to 31/03/2017) - Rs. 83,00,000...
The structure of deposits like
From Sons - Rs. 315,700
From Jewell Loan - Rs. 789,000
Cash Deposits (It's withdrawal and Deposits) - Rs. 580,000
Some of received from Friends and refunded* - Rs. 475,000 = Total Rs. 21,59,700 /-
(Total Deposits Rs. 83,00,000 - Rs. 21,59,700 = Rs. 61,40,300)
The Actual Total Income is Rs. 61,40,300.... As per my calculation (with the contractor) I calculate the income Rs. 61,40,300.
Is this correct or Not...?
Please give your valuable suggestions...