How to answer"Tell me about yourself"

Joey Tribbiani (fdg) (2010 Points)

28 July 2011  

Which is the one question asked in every interview? People with significant interview experience in their work tenure swear by the question - “Tell me about yourself”.

Are you someone who has gone through many job interviews ? If yes, then"Tell me about yourself " must be a very familiar question. Something which appears so easy, becomes a tough nut to crack if you are at the loss of words. This, no doubt, is the question that can make or break your interview. The question is usually directed to set the flow of the interview. So let's discuss how we need to answer the same and win over the interviewer.

The correct way to answer the question is by not concentrating too much on the factors already mentioned in your resume. Your work particulars have been described in detail, so there is no need to be vocal about it. Create an answer which caters to the requirements of the organization and its people. Try describing your attributes in a way which fulfills the needs of organization.

Retrospect whether you have analytical, amiable, expressive or driving initiative within you. Before going for an interview think about the ways you can use these skills to bring profit to the organization. Scrutinize the position you are applying for. Try to mesh your positive traits into delivering a constructive answer when asked about yourself. Make sure that your experiences, traits, skills, etc make a mark on the recruiter even after the interview.

If you still are slightly uncertain about it then write down your skills on a paper. Practice a couple of lines describing yourself in front of the mirror. Take care not to make any open ended statements. Be clear in your speech and do not go overboard while answering. Keeping some standard answer is perfectly fine but make sure that they do not sound rehearsed. Be confident and create a benchmark by which all of the other candidates will be measured.

The exercise mentioned above will also help you to concentrate on what you have to offer. The collated information will assist in selling yourself in a more convincing manner.


