How much can i charge Pls suggest (ExcelToTally Accountant)   (1386 Points)

17 October 2009  

I have got an accounting Gini, whom i give accounting entries in text/excel format & i make a wish & he give me back all the entries in my tally. I dont want to sale this Gini software to anybody but i want to make some money out of it in series. I am not going do it alone, any body can join me with 50% share. I am stuck with the pricing. I think ideal price should be Re1/- per entry. equally divided( 50Paise) between the partners. Although i am planning to reach a large section of people with primary motive of service / not making much profit,I think anything below this wont be feasible. Afterall in todays date you cant see any coins below 50 Paise available in the market. Do you agree? Pls post your valuable comments.