How long pcc registration is valid from the date of registration. i have read on bos annoucement that it is 4 year dt-23/06/2011 noitfication no-2227/11 later in the month of july -11 it was withdrawn. any body have clare idea regard this?
banke bihari jha (artilcle clerk) (81 Points)
20 February 2012How long pcc registration is valid from the date of registration. i have read on bos annoucement that it is 4 year dt-23/06/2011 noitfication no-2227/11 later in the month of july -11 it was withdrawn. any body have clare idea regard this?
(320 Points)
Replied 20 February 2012
Yes.. Recently ICAI issued a notification regarding expiry of PCC registartion. But later it withdrawn that proposal and withheld that one.. as of now your registration is still valid.
Ritesh Kumar Gupta
(Account Executive)
(21 Points)
Replied 29 March 2012
How long pcc registration is valid from the date of registration.
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