Hello my friends,
NOTE:This is not an article from any topper or ranker . Its a simple contribution from a guy who could pass his IPCC in his third attempt.
IPCC: First group (3rd attempt)-200 marks
Second group(4th atttempt)-158 marks
I never read in my first or second attempt and even never thought of it . i dint even attend the classes or study hours properly. so if u have failed atleast once i believe iam one of ur friends.
Some techniques
- Be thorough with the basic accounts principles, accounts formats,entries n other basic concepts.
- For law first focus on legal drafting(less syllabus but covers around 10-15 marks) ,some chapters of company law like intorduction, prospectus,MOA, AOA,meetings(AGM,EGM,notices etc
- In tax first be thorough in service tax n vat ( less syllabus :but around 50 marks) and only imp chapters in INCOME TAX like Salary , Capital gains ,assessment procedures,collection and recovery of tax>
- In COSTING n FM first concentate on FM n then on costing (prefer marginal ,standard,labour,material costing first and then others.
- never negleclt amalgamtion in accounts (since it is also useful in second group n it has much imp with ref to marks n its easy (for me) and CASH and FUND FLOW STATEMENTS ( it is covered in both A/C n FM)
PLEASE NOTE this is my first contribution please if u have any abuse or something against me just send me a private message ..u can aslo do the same for more information or such..
thank u