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Anjali devi (CA Final) (21 Points)
Replied 18 October 2014

Please share the papers mr.bavik.its my humble request.

Sejal (student) (790 Points)
Replied 18 October 2014

Plz share paper....

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)
Replied 18 October 2014

Dear friends with due respect to all your emotions, please don't force Bhavik to do something which might put him in trouble. I feel really sorry for most of you guys the way Institute is not able to address the concerns of the students or create a forum where genuine concerns can be redressed appropriately.


As most of you may be preparing for your November 2014 Examination, I request you to please channelize your energy there, rather than talking of something which is not going to change. This will lead to further frustration and apathy to write your exams. I urge you guys to please stay calm, focus on the coming examination with a positive mindset and do well.


Best of luck.


sachin (senior account executive)   (24 Points)
Replied 18 October 2014

I agree with mr sathsh m. Please don't ask answer sheet. And starts concentration on Nov 14 exam. Do well all latest amendments which are very important. I want to give one small tip here, deactivate FB account if possible or at least turn off all notification from from mobile phone except phone calls, use less chat apps like Whatsapp. Messager etc, I completed ca in may 14. Today i am happy and relaxed life. But rank or first or 2nd attempts does matter a lot in campus interview. Plus soft communication skills too. All the best friends

Replied 18 October 2014

Agreed with bhavik.......I was also shocked after matching copy with marksheet....

Replied 27 October 2014

how to check individual subject marks of re-verification online?

Sivaraman A R (.) (1042 Points)
Replied 28 October 2014

Originally posted by : DINESH KANANIA
Agreed with bhavik.......I was also shocked after matching copy with marksheet....

What shocked you when matching copy with marksheet. I have applied for certified copy for CS professional and not yet received. Want to know what shocked you. So that I can immune now.

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