advanced accounts is a scoring subject.only few days left for the exam .it is better to study smarty.
accountind standards (20-25)
partnership (16 marks)
company accounts ( totally 32 marks)
divided into sub topics
esop and buy back
amalgamation and internal reconstruction( 16 marks either from amalgamation or reconstruction)
banking companies (8 marks)
insurance ( 8 marks)
Branch account ( 8 marks)
departmental account(8 marks)
NOTE: the above analysis are as per past trend...icai may change it so it is not 100•/• sure
first go with accounting standards .never miss this .if you will miss exemption
then go with partnership , amalgamation, reconstruction, departmental account
company accounts
next format based chapters : banking and insurance
if possible go through rtp and mock test paper
good luck
hope this is helpful
Happy studies!!!