housing loan to employees

ars (CS) (445 Points)

26 July 2010  
To Purshcase a home is probably the no. one dream for many, Housing Loan by the employer at concessional or lower rate of interest is the second dream.

A' Ltd. want to fulfill the second dream of its employees and help to achieve the first one.
Since, the employers believe in employee freindly plocies- What should be the best plan?

Can an employee welfare fund of A' ltd.be created ? or a new co. be created solely for this purpose- wherein the capital be subscribed by the promoters/employers?

What are the angles from the C.A'56 and I.T. act'61 be checked and followed? i.e how it is to be created?
who would be the trustees/members of the welfare fund?
what will be legal status?
How to create loan?
how A' ltd. can recover and secure the loan amt.?
what should be the idle parameters/criteria for the applicant?
can the employee create lien on the P.F./Gratuity / S.A.etc. fund in favour of A' ltd. agaisnt the debt (loan)?
The funding in the welfare fund can be only from A' ltd. or the promoter/employers' funds also can be sourced?

Kindly share your thoughts/knowledge at the earliest with in other points in this regard.