Horrible results of recent icai campus placement programme!

CA Srikanth Yadav (Chartered Accountant) (3162 Points)

02 May 2012  

In the ICAI Campus Placement Programme February-March, 2012, the Number of Jobs Offered were as low as 874 when the Number of Candidates Registered was 9717. So the Percentage of jobs offered vis-a-vis registered candidates is less than 9.00%.no


So 91% of the members participated in the programme were unsuccessful! 


Please click here for the brief details of the same:


What does this mean? Are the newly qualified members lacking in their skills? Or the requirement of the number of Chartered Accountants  for companies and firms is very less compared to the number of Chartered Accountants available to work?  Or ICAI should be blamed in this regard for not getting enough recruiters?