History of September 6


06 September 2011  

3114 BC - According to the proleptic Julian calendar the current era in the Maya Long Count Calendar started.

394 - Battle of Frigidus North-Italy

1492 - Columbus' fleet leaves Gomera, Canary islands

1522 - Magellen with Vittoria returns to Spain, after 1st round world trip

1543 - French & Turkish fleet occupies Nice

1620 - 1st stones layed in Western Tower

1622 - Spanish silver fleet disappears off Florida Keys; 1,000s die

1628 - Puritans land at Salem, from Mass Bay Colony, witches soon to settle

1634 - Battle at Nordlingen ends in Swedish/protestant German defeat

1669 - The siege of Candia ends with the Venetian fortress surrendering to the Ottomans.

1672 - Willem III's troops reconquer Naarden on France

1675 - Swedish admiral Stenbock sails out with fleet of 66 ships

1683 - Le Plecta appointed French minister of Finance

1688 - Austrian armies occupy Belgrade

1690 - King Willem III escapes back to England

1715 - Pro-James III-uprising in Scotland

1716 - 1st US lighthouse built (Boston)

1732 - VOC fires Neth-Dutch east indies governor-general Diederik Dare

1776 - Hurricane hits Martinique; 100 French & Dutch ships sinks; 600 die

1776 - 1st (failed) submarine attack (David Bushnell's "Turtle" attacks British sailboat "Eagle" in Bay of NY)

1776 - Hurricane hits Guadeloupe, killing more than 6000.

1781 - The Battle of Groton Heights takes place, resulting a British victory.

1791 - Mozarts opera "La Clemenza di Tito," premieres in Prague

1819 - Thomas Blanchard patents lathe

1837 - Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio goes co-ed (4 women, 30 men)

1839 - Cherokee Nation forms

1839 - Great fire in NY

1848 - National Black Convention meets (Cleveland)

1853 - Women's Right's Convention met (NYC)

1861 - General Grant occupies Paducah Kentucky

1862 - Stonewall Jackson occupies Frederick, Maryland

1863 - -7] Confederate troops vacate Fort Wagner SC (1700 casualties)

1863 - After 59 day siege, confederates evacuate Ft Wagner, SC

1866 - Frederick Douglass is 1st US black delegate to a national convention

1869 - 1st westbound train arrives in SF

1869 - Mine fire kills 179 at Avondale Pennsylvania

1870 - Ship sinks in Gulf of Biskaje; 483 die

1873 - Regular Cable Car service begins on Clay Street

1876 - Race riot in Charleston SC

1876 - Southern Pacific line from LA to SF completed

1880 - Commencement of 1st Test Cricket in England, v Australia at The Oval

1880 - W G Grace scores 152 in debut Test Cricket innings, v Aust The Oval

1883 - Cub's Burns (extra bases), Williamson & Pfeiffer get 3 hits in 1 inn

1885 - Eastern Rumelia declares its union with Bulgaria. The Unification of Bulgaria is accomplished.

1886 - Queen Victoria establishes Distinguished Service Order (DSO) award

1888 - Charles Turner becomes the first bowler to take 250 wickets in an English season - a feat since accomplished only by Tom Richardson (twice), J.T. Hearne, Wilfred Rhodes (twice) and Tich Freeman (six times).

1889 - King Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda resigns

1898 - Lord Kitchener destroys Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman

1899 - Carnation processes its 1st can of evaporated milk

1899 - US min of Foreign affairs John Hay publishes his "Open Through Note"

1900 - British General Buller occupies Lydenburg South Africa

1901 - Pres William McKinley, shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at Pan American Exposition in Buffalo NY, he dies 8th days later

1903 - Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Creeping Man" (BG)

1904 - Soccer team Rheden forms

1905 - Atlanta Life Insurance Company forms

1905 - Chic White Sox Frank Smith no-hits Detroit Tigers, 15-0

1905 - General Trade journal publishes 1st Dutch photo (train accident)

1909 - Word received, Adm Peary discovers North Pole 5 months earlier

1910 - Saskatchewan (then Regina) Roughrider football club formed

1912 - NY Giant Jeff Tesreau no-hits Phila, 3-0

1913 - 19th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jerry Travers

1913 - 1st aircraft to loop the loop (Adolphe Pégoud-France)

1913 - Hamilton Alerts apply for ORFU reinstatement, taking the name Hamilton Rowing Club

1914 - Battle of Marne; Germans prevented from occupying Paris

1917 - French pilot Georges Guynemer shoots down 54th German aircraft

1920 - 40th US Mens Tennis: Wm Tilden beats Wm M Johnston (61 16 75 57 63)

1920 - Jack Dempsey KOs Billy Miske in 3 for heavyweight boxing title 1st radio broadcast of a prizefight

1922 - 42nd US Mens Tennis: Wm T Tilden beats Wm M Johnston 46 36 62 63 64)

1923 - Queen Wilhelmina celebrates 25 year jubilee

1924 - Assassination attempt on Mussolini fails

1924 - Charles Paddock captures 100 & 200 yd AAU national senior outdoor track & field championships

1927 - B G DeSylva/Lew Brown's musical "Good News," premieres in NYC

1927 - Red Sox beat NY Yankees 12-11 in 18 innings at Fenway Park

1928 - USSR signs Briand-Kellogg-pact

1930 - Brooklyn Dodgers beat Phillies 22-8

1930 - Democratically elected Argentine president Hipólito Yrigoyen is deposed in a military coup.

1937 - Spanish Civil War: The start of the Battle of El Mazuco.

1938 - Wilhelmina celebrates 40th anniversary jubilee as Dutch queen

1939 - 1st German air attack on Great-Britain in WW II

1939 - South Africa declares war on nazi-Germany

1939 - World War II: The Battle of Barking Creek.

1940 - Crown prince Michael succeeds Carol II as king of Romania

1940 - Generalissimo Gamelin arrested in France

1941 - 55th US Womens Tennis: Sarah H Cooke beats Pauline Betz Addie (75 62)

1941 - 61st US Mens Tennis: Robert L Riggs beats F Kovacs (2d 57 61 63 63)

1941 - All Jews over age 6 in German territories ordered to wear a star

1941 - Jews of Vilna Poland confined to their ghetto

1942 - 56th US Womens Tennis: Pauline Betz beats A Louise Brough (46 61 64)

1942 - Czech marathon runner Oskar Hêks transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau

1943 - "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort Pa, kills 79

1943 - 63rd US Mens Tennis: J R Hunt Seaman beats Jack Kramer (63 68 108 60)

1943 - Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in AL (16y 8 ms) of the A's

1944 - Gen Von Zangens 15th army escape from Zealand

1945 - A's catcher George George punches ump Joe Rue gets suspended

1946 - All-American Football Conference plays 1st game (Clev 44, Miami 0)

1946 - Terence Rattigan's "Winslow Boy," premieres in London

1948 - "Mr Strauss Goes to Boston" opens at Century Theater NYC for 12 perfs

1948 - 37th Davis Cup: USA beats Australia in New York (5-0)

1948 - Juliana becomes queen of Netherlands

1949 - Howard Unruh kills 13 neighbors in 12 minutes