History of E-Commerce

Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8311 Points)

05 June 2010  

History of E-Commerce

History of E-Commerce  provides with a detailed explanation of the
different important phases and stages through which Electronic

Commerce has actually evolved. History of E-Commerce also

provides with important details about how Electronic Commerce

began to be used as a popular online mean of economic exchange.

Electronic Commerce refers to the online transaction of goods.

Electronic Data Interchange

The development of Electronic Data Interchange which is popularly

known as EDI is believed to be a crucial phase so far as History of

E-Commerce is concerned. EDI was invented in the 1960's and

provided with a “set of standards” that enabled the big business

firms to indulge in a sort of beneficial electronic transaction. It also

facilitated the interchange of vital business oriented information.

Mosaic Web-Browser

The next important phase in the History of E-Commerce was the

development of

Mosaic web-browser in 1992. This web browser was soon given the

form of a browser which could be downloaded and was named as

Netscape. This further broadened the scope and possibility of

electronic commercial transaction.

Other Important Developments

The development and adaptation of DSL and Red Hat Linux

respectively, again benefited the process of online business

transaction. The year, 2000, saw a major merger between AOL and

Time Warner which marked another important step towards the

development of E-Commerce. This merger proved to be very

economically beneficial.

Present status of E-Commerce

The worldwide popularity of Internet has resulted in the stable

development and overwhelming acceptance of E-Commerce.

E-Commerce provides with a rich online transaction experience.

Business-to-Business is the largest E-Commerce in the present time.

Peer-to-Peer and Consumer-to-Consumer are two important types

of E-Commerce.