BE CONFIDENT. Give your self auto suggestions that you have a good English trust me it really works
The more you speak with English speakers, the more you will improve your English, both in pronunciation and vocabulary.
Reading things written in English can really help you to improve your English. If regular books are too difficult, you could start out with simple books. Reading the newspaper and comic books can be very helpful as well.
Also listen to talk radio in English. This also can help you improve your English because you are listening to good pronunciation. Though talk radio may not make a lot of sense at first, it makes more sense the more you listen.
Many Internet sites also have English exercises you can do to help you improve your English. Many of these sites offer free activities and can be a great way to continue to learn new words. Also participating on English chat sites can help you learn more English.
The best way to improve your fluency is to not just speak in English, but think in English, because if you are thinking in your mother-tongue and you try to translate your message to English before actually saying it, you will not only speak in a slow way, but you will spoil that day's English advantage and learning. Just try to speak inside of your mind (think) in English, and it will come out in a more natural way
SPEAK OUT LOUD, the things you are doing, the things you see. And speak to other people! Always remember it's good to make mistakes, because you can learn from them and improve by remembering what you did wrong and improve that.