Highlights - national food security bill, 2011, now approved

Sourav Banerjee MA,MSW (Shabda Bramha) (8842 Points)

19 December 2011  


Highlights of the National Food Security Bill, 2011


On Sunday, 18/12/2011, the Cabinet cleared the National Food Security Bill, 2011. The Bill is scheduled to be tabled in Parliament this week.


  • People living below poverty line (BPL) has been termed as Priority Group(PG)/Priority Household(PH): PG/PH to be allotted 7 kg grain/month/person or 35kg grain/month/family, provided with Rice @ Rs. 3/kg, Wheat @ Rs.2/kg, Millets @ Rs.1/kg.
  • The remaining of the targeted population (above poverty line) has been termed as General Group (GG): GG to be allotted @ 3kg/person/month at half of minimum support price given to farmers.
  • Mid-day meal scheme and ICDS has been brought under the Bill.
  • The target population is LEGALLY ENTITLED to cheap grain and millet.
  • 63.5% of the total population will be covered as per the Bill out of whom 75% will be from rural area and 50% from urban area.
  • 46% of the PG/PH in rural areas will be covered as proposed in the Bill, whereas for urban areas the same will be 28%.
  • Lactating mothers will be given Rs. 1000 a month for 6 months and also nutritional support.
  • Children up to the age of 14 years will get nutritional support.
  • Persons residing in disaster-affected areas will get 2 free meals/day up to 3 months; non-compliance will attract penalty of Rs.5000 for the responsible public servant.


The implementation of proposals contained in the said Bill will burden the Exchequer with an extra Rs. 27,973 crore a year. Annual food subsidy bill will go up from Rs. 67,000 crore to Rs. 94,973 Crore. Grain requirement will be 62 million tones.


Our featured member CS Richank Garg has posted on the same topic with the title Union cabinet clears national food bill. While Richank has discussed the general aspects of the Bill along with discussions on the draft Lokpal Bill, I have tried to present the salient features of the NAtional Food Security Bill whose draft I've given in my previous post and can be found at /forum/national-food-security-bill-2011-180409.asp


Later, I wish to discuss some disadvantages of this seemingly only-pro-poor Bill.

