Here is the Secret of Life

Ravikant (Accountax) (6285 Points)

26 January 2011  

The Secret Of Life

As the Lord God was 
creating  the world
he called upon his angels.

The Lord asked his angels 
to help him decide where to put 
the Secret of Life

"Bury it in the ground," one angel replied.
"Put it on the bottom of the sea," said another.
"Hide it in the mountains," another suggested.

The Lord replied, "If I see to do any of those
only a few will find the Secret of Life.
The Secret of Life must be accessible

One angel replied, "I know; put it in each
man's heart. Nobody will think to look there."


"Yes!" said the Lord. 
"Within each man's heart."

And so it was -
lies within all of us.

Author Unknown