Help to prepare ca final nov 2014

ARHUM BHANDAWAT (ipcc) (57 Points)

25 November 2013  

I have my attempt in Nov. 2014 and yet I have not studied even one subject , so can somebody please help me if possible 

1. provide me with best solution for what to do self and what subjects should I study at coachings .

2. best books for self studies for all subject

3. please provide info. regarding which subjects cant be done with coaching

4. shall I opt for 1 group or both groups

5. various alternatives to complete my syllabus for all subjects by June 2014

6. at present I have options for coaching -

                       a. audit sfm fr cost  

                       b. audit dt fr cost

                       c. excise customs dt/sfm fr cost

which alternatives will best suit or else somebody can provide any other alternatives . please help urgently . And i am from Indore , If any one can provide best faculty for each subject from best coaching with various combinations of their timings .