An Individual applied & got ST Registration Number in the month of September 2013.
Being first year exemption of 10 lakhs applies. ST will be leviable only w.e.f December 2013, when the amount of receipt is expected to exceed Rs. 10 Lakhs.
Now we want to file NIL returns in Form ST 3, for April to September 2013.
Have filled all the columns of 1st sheet named returns, then filed the last sheet named: Distributor Quarterly, all other sheets are left blank as no Service tax was collected or deposited. The Sheet has been duly validated without any errors XML is generated.
Is it Okay to upload this sheet now OR are any other inputs required OR somewhere declaration has to be made that we are availing of the basic exemption of 10 lakhs in the First year?
What about next October to March 2014 returns, only amounts exceeding 10 Lakhs have to be reflected in the STR OR the 10 lakhs exemption has to be reflected somewhere?
Please reply ASAP, Thanks.