Help Required-Interpretation of contract

Sambu Suresh (CA Job) (564 Points)

03 April 2013  

Dear friends.


I need a clarifiaction on the interpretation of the agreeement. 

A company entered into an agreement with a contractor to contruct a building and it listed out all the conditioins in the agreement and signed by both the parties. 

In the agreement one conditon says that the amount will be paid according to the rates as per the annexure 1. And no where in the agreeemnt except this line Aneexture was referred for any purpose.


However in the annexutre they had included one more line . that reads that the payment could be paid for the work being done including the work at the contractor work yard.


As per the agreement the payments should be paid on progress basis.  Now the question is the contractor claiming the bill for the work done at is site which was not brought to the construcitoin site as the annextue include the condition that the work includes the work at the contractor site.


My argument is the annexture is to be referred only for the rates and not for any other conditions as the agreement does not have any inclusion statement to refer for other condtions except rates.


Request you to please share and quote with relevant substance that is my interpretation is correct or not.


Suresh sambu