can a student tk transfer of articleship to a big city for doing part time job if he belongs to a very poor family
CA. Nuba Subzwari (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (501 Points)
09 August 2009can a student tk transfer of articleship to a big city for doing part time job if he belongs to a very poor family
(119 Points)
Replied 09 August 2009
Dear Nuba,
An Article Asst. is probihibted from pursuing any other job officially, in addittion to his articleship without specific permission for ICAI. Further, you will also not get enough time to go through your papers thoruoghly.
Last but not the least, transfer is not that easy nowadays, & for the reason you desire i believe officaially IMPOSSIBLE.
(1268 Points)
Replied 09 August 2009
Ashwani Narnoli
(1843 Points)
Replied 10 August 2009
The present rule for transfer is very difficult and it's really impossible to take transfer except in the conditions provided which are very stringent. So, another option is to take dummy.
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