Help me!!Tax Book Query!

gaurav (CA Finale) (226 Points)

17 April 2010  

Hi,all.I am a PCC student,could clear only d 1st group in Nov.09.Scored poorly in Costing and Tax.and have not prepared again thereafter.Was preparing for final exams which completed today.Only 20 days left to study 2nd group.Referred Singhania for Tax last time and found it difficult to revise at the end.Looking to buy Padhuka for tax by tommorow,pls. kindly suggest if  its a good book or not???I dont want to refer module,Singhania or Manoharan even though recommended by all,so only clarify for me if Padhuka for tax is good or bad from the exam point of view???Urgently ans. guys will buy the book by tommorow morning,i want to make sure that its the right choice of book i make,so pls. help...