Regulation 67: Complaint against the Principal
1) Where an articled assistant makes a complaint against his principal on a matter concerning his
training as an articled assistant, the President or the Vice- President as the Executive Committee
may decide from time to time, may cause an investigation to be made and submit a report to the
Executive Committee.
2) The Executive Committee shall submit the report of the investigation to the Council with its
3) The Council may, on a consideration of the report of the Executive Committee, pass such order
as it may consider expedient, including an order withdrawing the entitlement of the principal to
train one or more articled assistants either permanently or for a specified period:
4) The President or the Vice-President as the Executive Committee may decide from time to time,
may, pending an investigation of the complaint, either terminate or suspend the articles and allowthe articled assistant to be accepted as additional articled assistant by a member, notwithstanding
anything contained in Regulation 43