I need your guideline for taking a one of decision which for me very difficult take so I need your help
Option -: 1) Should I leave my current job give CA Final Nov 12 Exam (changers of passing is more)or
2) Continues with my job and simintanously give exam also((changers of passing is less).
I am CA final student, average student from last 7 attend for my final exam but unable to clear 2nd group. My 1st group is clear in 4th attend. for last May 2012 exam I get leave of 2 months still I m not able to clear that time I got 194 marks which I given for revaluation
now I m working in one real estate company on which I get salary around net 22,000/- . I love this job become I get work which is I like related to scrutiny of assessment & Replying of Notices of various tax dept. if I leave than I not possible to get this kind of work again as I m assisting to our tax consultancy of our company that tax consultancy only appointed in this company
But for Nov. 2012 attend my company is not ready to give leave for more than 15 -20 day only
When I taken leave for 1months In Nov 11 exam I get only 134 in 2nd group.
I can get time for study around 4-5 hrs a day which I think enuf for Ca final Exam.
So what so I do ,I m confuses should I leave job or continues job
Please friend help me give your suggestion
Thanking you