I always got lower marks in LAW Subjet than expectation. I think, i somewhere laking in presentation. so, tell me how to present answers in LAWS
CA Amit Kanani (Practicing CA) (338 Points)
22 September 2009I always got lower marks in LAW Subjet than expectation. I think, i somewhere laking in presentation. so, tell me how to present answers in LAWS
CA Devanshi Gandhi (Ajani)
(9060 Points)
Replied 22 September 2009
first write the provisions, than explain the case and finally write the result....
CA Swapnil
(job )
(1205 Points)
Replied 22 September 2009
Some tips for law.........................
The expected weightage is as follows:-
1)Companies Act - 30 -35 marks
2)Contract act - 10 marks
3) Negotiable instruments Act - 10 marks
4) Gratuity ,Bonus ,PF Act - 5 marks each.
2) Divide your answer into 4 parts.( FACTS , PROVISIONS,ANALYSIS ,CONCLUSION)
3) Write your answers in point wise as it will fetch more marks & the presentation becomes more lucid.
4) It is not necessary to write down sections in your answers.Remember u r judged on the basis of what u have understood & interpreted...the principle underlying the section to be written properly & not the section number...there is always a chance of u forgetting the section & quoting the wrong section is intellectual HARA -KIRI.
5) Attempt ETHICS & COMMUNICATION first.The weightage of each is 20 marks.While studying one can finish the bonus & gratuity acts first as they are small compared to others.
6)Remember the law paper is a case study based paper.Solve as many case studies as possible.Read a particular principle or a section and solve case studies based on it immediately.
7)Padhuka ,Munish Bhandari are good books which one can refer..the language in law is very important.the legal jargon needs to present in the answers..
8)Solving PREVIOUS QUESTION PAPERS and practising case studies to sharpen skills will definitely help...the case studies given in ICAI Module are solved in padhuka.
9) Stress on all topics is important as questions on all topics are asked.
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU......................
(C.A. B.Com (H) Graduate)
(2151 Points)
Replied 22 September 2009
thnx swapnil shah and ca. devanshi gandhi for your valuable tips.
The Harshit Aggarwal
(B.Com(H) ,CS Final)
(5278 Points)
Replied 22 September 2009
Some More tips :-
Originally posted by a reputed member of CACLUBINDIA
Law Exam Paper Tips for CS/CA PCC Students:
1. In practical problems never start your answer with Yes or No unless you are 100% sure. First mention the relevant provision and show in your answer how you reach the conclusion. In the end conclude your answer in the following manner: “On the basis of above discussion we can conclude that as per the Section-166 Annual General Meeting can not be convened on a public holiday.” (Consider this as an example).
On the contrary if you are 100% sure from the very beginning always start your answer with Yes or No. Like in the above problem it is very much sure that AGM can not be held on a public holiday.
2. Try and always mention the relevant section. Make it a habit. Do not ask anybody regarding the importance of remembering a section. If you make it a habit now it will 100% pay at the time of your final preparation.
3. In distinctive question never segregate 2 provisions with the help of a line.
For example: Distinguish between Fixed and Floating Charge
Mention the distinction in the following way:
(i) Fixed charge is created in the specific property on the other hand floating charge is created on the class of property.
(ii) Fixed charge clutch the property whereas floating charge floats over the property.
Conclusion: You should use “on the other hand” OR “whereas” to club two different provisions.
4. You may underline the relevant provision or any substantial provision.
5. In theory paper never read practical problems first. First attempt flat questions. Like in Audit or Law first attempt short notes or distinctions etc.
Reason for not attempting the practical problems first is that in the beginning you have enough time to read it twice or thrice and waste your time.
6. If you mention any case law highlight it properly. Write it in the following way:
Mohan Singh Rawat
State Electricity Board
7. In distinction problems first write something (2-3 lines) about the topic. Example: Like in the distinction between Interim and Final Dividend write some about Interim and Final Dividend and mention in the end: “hence the points of distinction between Interim and Final Dividend are as follows”
8. In exam never use short forms like AGM, EGM, CG, CLB, ROC, ICSI, ICAI, SAP, AS.
9. When you start your answer by using a section use like this:
“As per Section-171 of the Companies Act, 1956”
10. Try and make an effort to complete your paper 100%. In other words attempt full paper of 100 marks. This is very important for fetching more marks.
11. Try and avoid cutting of words. (See the example below)
Whenever a company fails to file the annual accounts and annual returns, desc -ribed in sub-clause (A) of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274, persons who are directors on the last due date for filing the annual accounts and the annual returns for any continuous three financial years commencing on and after the first day of April, 1999, shall be disqualified.
Observe the first line of the Para above and see the word described. Half the word is in first line and half is in second line. This is some thing very poor as far as professional exams are concerned. So avoid it.
Best Regards
C.A Saurabh Jain
(CA )
(164 Points)
Replied 22 September 2009
Well to write any answer in Law just follow these four steps and you will be able to score more than others:-
1) In First Para. of any answer you must quote the section..For example:-Section 171 deals with length of the notice or section 176 provides...Just Explain two or three lines in the first para and do mention the section as it created an impression that you have a good overview of law.
2) In second para describe what the question is demanding as you have to interlinked your para1 with para2 just decribe about the question.
3) In para. 3 write your view point i.e whether you are agree with the given case or not. this para is a bit lengthy than the other.
4)Now the last para is Conclusion i,e summing up of all the para, and arriving at the final view point.
And , yes if any PCC/IPCC is giving his exams always start from the ethics and communication part as it will increase your speed during the examination.
Anup rathi
(268 Points)
Replied 23 September 2009
For scoring gud marks in Law paper u nid to hv thorough understanding of the subject matter wich is best possible thru module . students go on the size n jus board the wrong train n score less marks belive me i.c.a.i jus checks hw well u hv understood the subject matter n accordingly give marks so read module n score gud marks according presentation matters least as we cant waste time on such things an also we hv 2 complete the paper n ya I.C.A.I also knw dis fact b clear wit ur fundas
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)