Help me

Harsha (Chartered Accountant CS (Final))   (227 Points)

04 September 2011  

I registered for CS Executive.  I want to write executive exam in december 2011.  I have the following doubts.  Please clarify?

1) Whether I need to complete Aptect Training program before applying for Executive exam? Till now I not enrolled for this.

2) Whether Student Induction Program is compulsory before taking executive exam?

3) I have send the response sheets to Chennai via Speed post on 26-08-2011 & its is reached on 29th.  Till date I not received Coaching Completion Certificate either through onlilne/manually.  Whether this needs to be send alonng with Examination form?

4) How to enrol thorugh online for ICSI executive exam?

5) What are the documents needed along with examinantion?