Help for making a time table
Asma (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (63 Points)
07 February 2014Asma (Student CA IPC / IPCC) (63 Points)
07 February 2014
(44 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
Hi Asma first thing please remove the demotivation part from your mind orelse you will not able to concentrate on current studies. Demotivation will never help you. We who appearing for May 2014 - IPCC students are lucky we are getting excess day for study due to delay in exam time table. First thing before starting study today motivate yourself for study dont think of past failure present and future is still in your hand concentrate on it.
(44 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
Below link may help you uploaded by Mr. Anurag CA
Read more at: /forum/complete-study-plan-of-ca-ipcc-group1-278783.asp#.UvRlRWI71OI
(articled assistant)
(136 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
Hi asma,
Frame a timetable which suits u like first start with the subject which u feel u are weak.. sleep well daily for 8hours so that u can concentrate pretty good.. allocate more study time to the sub u feel u r weak.. focus and study, keep saying "i will clear" have this in mind always.. never waste time.. u will have to motivate urself, nothing like self motivation.. believe in urself and work hard, success is yours.. good luck
(44 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
(44 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
Study plan is just a base students who need to know how to prepare timetable, can reschedule as per their convience. But daily study with concentration and revision is must.
(44 Points)
Replied 07 February 2014
No thanks please some one has told me " Dont say Thank You help 3 people and tell them to help 3 people more".