When i tried updating the digital certificate, the error that it showed is this:
Please help me, kindly tell me waht can be done.... Its URGENT!!!
I could use your help....
(241 Points)
Replied 26 August 2010
It says, "Can not extract the private key and certificate from the USB Token. Reason No Certificate found in your keystore".....
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 26 August 2010
Dear Friend
Please read register Digital signal and information section of home page of MCA portal before register digital signature and for e-filing of forms.
CS Ajay Mishra
(COMPANY SECRETARY NCFM (Corporate Governance ))
(664 Points)
Replied 26 August 2010
install the digital certificate to your computer and necessary softwar like java. then see its show in internet option as digital certificate.