Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times

GAUTAM DEY (Be Patient, Live Life) (17309 Points)

21 November 2011  

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of time,


if one only remembers to turn on the light.”



If we give it some thought we may notice that a single speck of light can make the darkest of places a well lit environment in less than a second. This is a great example of what happiness is to dark times that we may be experiencing in our lives.


In even the darkest of times, times in which we feel we will never feel better, like times that we may experience a bad break up, or the loss of a loved one, we have to keep our faith in the notion that happiness still exists in our lives, and that the dark season which we are experiencing will soon pass. Times of darkness require us all to be courageous, and require us all to believe when it seems as though believing will get us nowhere. Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, all that we have to do is turn on the light, keep a positive attitude and keep pushing forward.



“Life is like making tea! Boil your ego,

Evaporate your worries,

Dilute your sorrows,

Filter your mistakes &

 Get Taste of Happiness…”


“Happiness is not a destination.

It is a method of life…”



“Remember these simple Rules to be HAPPY:

Free your heart from hatred;

Free your mind from worries;

Live simply;

Expect less;

Give more & Love yourself!!!!!”