Download attached Excel Addins to Convert number to gujarati words.
formula usage:
=num2gujwds(cell reference)
eg. C1 contains 12345
with formula =num2gujwds(C1)
result in
અંકે રૂપિયા બાર હજાર ત્રણસો પિસ્તાલીસ પુરા
Exshail (Software) (1576 Points)
16 February 2021Friends,
Download attached Excel Addins to Convert number to gujarati words.
formula usage:
=num2gujwds(cell reference)
eg. C1 contains 12345
with formula =num2gujwds(C1)
result in
અંકે રૂપિયા બાર હજાર ત્રણસો પિસ્તાલીસ પુરા
(1576 Points)
Replied 26 February 2021
You can installed this addins to permanently load by default when every time you start excel, follow below steps:
1. Click the File tab (or Office Button in Excel-2007),
Click Options, and then Click the Add-Ins category.
2. In the Manage box, Click Excel Add-ins, and then Click Go.
The Add-Ins dialog box appears.
3. In the Add-Ins Available box, Locate this addin file from the folder
where you have saved and press Ok.
4. Now from Addins available box, select the check box next to this add-in
that you want to activate\use, and then click OK.
For any other queries\problem post here.
(1576 Points)
Replied 16 August 2021
See attached file.
Exshail Software
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