plz someone guide me how to study mics
which book to go for
n is ther requirement of taking coachin for it??
guidence for mics
sumit (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (479 Points)
26 August 2008
(Chartered Accountant)
(942 Points)
Replied 26 August 2008
hello friend here is my tips on MICS
1. Read Study material ......
2. Download the LMR for MICS from share files.....which is aroung 49 pages which will help u in fast revision.
Questions are asked from every topic that is from 19 chapters.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Vishram Ratnuji Modak,
Email: vishrammodak @
Respected Dear Friend Sumit,
1. Good Morning, We are all fine here, I do hope you and your loving family are all fine & great.
2. At the outset I am awfully happy to learn that you have mulling over sanguinely towards your studies for your CA Final. Further I do believe with certitude you shall be a “Professional Chartered Accountant”.
3. Germane to your query, it will be greatly appreciated if your kind goodself email me yours email id so I can do my tad bit under the aegis of my Seniors.
4. Needless to state do feel free to contact me for any sort of co-ordination, it will be an honour for me and rest assured it will be acknowledged sanguinely. May the Great God be with your kind goodself and with your loving family.
Take Care,
With Respect & Best Wishes,
Vishram R. Modak
CA Final Student
CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani
(Landmark Group)
(23507 Points)
Replied 27 August 2008
I would suggest you to refer Rahul Shah notes or Sujata Garg.
Secondly you can refer Dinesh Madan also.
"More you read more you remember so revision will help you in MICS"
Vipul Dhulla
(CA Practice )
(767 Points)
Replied 26 January 2009
Dear Friend, PDF and Audio learning on MICS - CA FINAL PL. visit at
Vipul Dhulla
(CA Practice )
(767 Points)
Replied 13 April 2009
Dear Students,
Just 2 months for exam… Just got leave from articleship… More to read … in Less time..
There is one subject which can be simplified… MICS.
Yes … learn MICS via..
AUDIO learning.
Whole subject in Just 7 hours….
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CA.Vipul Dhulla [ CA, DISA ]
(22 Points)
Replied 16 February 2010
from where can i get mics ca final notes by rahul shah
CA Arif A. Dadani
(Chartered Accountant)
(68 Points)
Replied 12 September 2010