Guidance Note on MOU between ICSI and ICSA

BALASUBRAMANYA B Npro badge (CCI STUDENT....) (44679 Points)

17 November 2009  

Guidance Note on Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA)

Thank you for the interest you have shown in becoming a member of ICSA.  Please find attached the relevant application form.  The following represents some general guidance in connection with the requirements and regulations re the Memorandum.


1. You must have been a member of ICSI (Associate or Fellow), in good standing for a minimum of two years.

2. You are required to complete the following three non-exempted ICSA examinations:

  • Corporate Law
  • Corporate Administration
  • Corporate Secretaryship

3. Membership must be certified by the ICSI Endorsing Officer, Mr. P.K.Grover.  This must be done on the relevant section of the attached application form, prior to registration with ICSA.

Registration Procedures:

To register as a student, you must complete the form as available in the Section - Members - Forms for Members, and returning this to ICSI to obtain the required certification.  ICSI will then forward completed application forms to ICSA.

The ICSA registration closing dates are as follows:

            For students wishing to sit examinations in JUNE                    20 February

            For students wishing to sit examinations in DECEMBER            20 August

Completed applications must be submitted to ICSI in time to allow onward transmission to ICSA, so as to ensure arrival by the above dates.  For further guidance please refer to ICSI.  It should be noted that the late applications will not be accepted.

No fee is payable in connection with registration or the exemption awarded on the basis of ICSI membership.

Examination Entry:

The official notification of your registration as a student will contain an examination entry form.  It is the individual student’s responsibility to ensure this is completed and returned to ICSA, together with the relevant examination entry fee (£ 200 per subject).

The ICSA examination entry closing dates are follows:

            For JUNE examinations                                                  1 April

            For DECEMBER examinations                                          1 October

Late examination entry forms will not be accepted.  Full examination fees must accompany your entry.

General Guidance Notes:

  • Upon completion of the three ICSA examinations, you will be automatically elected to Associate membership of the Institute.  An annual subscripttion will then become payable.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the ICSA, UK Division.  It applies in the UK only.  It is not possible for Studentship or Membership to be transferred between ICSA offices.