
saurav (abc) (43 Points)

16 July 2012  


I have a query regarding Goods transport Services.
It is like there is a partnership firm, manufacturing industrial goods.
For the P.Y.2007-08, It has paid service tax on some of the bills to the transporter, while there were no service tax levied on the others.

It has received a notice from the ST department regarding non-payment of S.Tax. for P.Y. 2007-08.

The matter was like the firm has made the payment of S.T. to the transport agency instead of the government unknowingly. 
The transporter has already deposited the amount to the government, but the department is asking the firm to deposit the same along with interest all again. 

Also, whether S.Tax was payable by the firm i.e. the Service receiver (P.Y.2007-08). Whether the firm is liable to pay S.T. for the year 2007-08, i mean whether by that time GTA services came into scene or not.

Also, if the firm is required to pay S.T. now, whether it can take the credit of the same. And the amount already paid by the firm to the transporter is required to be deposited again ?


Pl. help me regarding the same at the earliest.

Thanks & regards, 