Gst treatment in certain services

Viswasbhatt (SERVICE) (85 Points)

26 August 2017  


Just wanted to post this query on GST  that i have started  aservice as  an on line facilitator for sale of some stuff.  Like you order a stuff on line to my portal and i will get that delivered from a seller. So here that seller tells me his price of the goods and i post that on my portal at the price with some markup so as to cover my fees. Exmaple: A saree  seller tells me the price of a saree   Rs 1000 , i set the price Rs 1500.. The on line purchaser buys the saree for 1500. I get the money in my account Rs 1500. I pay Rs 1000 to the seller of the saree and keep Rs 500 With me.  Since i am not selling the Saree so i believe i am not a seller form GST point of view.  I am only gettig the differmtial of 1500 and 1000.  HOw should i treat this in my books.. How the invoice to buyer be issued in this case . Here we will have to show Rs 1500 in Buyer invoice, But the seller of saree may say that he is selling at 1000 and the 500 is added by you . 

How should we plan this under GST.  How such type of on line sale is treated for the seller and the facilitator and HOw the income of the facilitator be trated . What are the GST regostration Requirement in this case. 

Nut shell How on line  this type of sells be trated under GST