Gst registration process for medicine shop within hospital

Arijit Upadhyay (CEO) (29 Points)

13 July 2017  

We need a clarification on GST registration process for medicine shop within hospital run by a registered society. 

1) We are a registered society say - 'XYZ' FOUNDATION WEST BENGAL having PAN

2) We were not covered till now under Service Tax, VAT , so we had no registration

3) Apart from our other social activities we have opened a hospital called say 'ABCD HOSPITAL'

4) Since hospital was also exempted from VAT, Service tax etc, so it also does not have any registration

5) This hospital has a self-run in-house medicine shop, the drug license is in the name of  'ABCD HOSPITAL'

6) We submit consolidated income tax return in name of 'XYZ' FOUNDATION WEST BENGAL only, with accounts from hospital shown as HOSPITAL PROJECT

I need two clarifications here
1) In this case GST  number should be taken in the name of XYZ FOUNDATION or ABCD HOSPITAL

2) Do we get input tax credit for other expenses in the hospital like instrument purchase, hospital equipment purchase etc...against GST on medicine sold, since hospital won't be making any other GST levied bills.