What is the rate of GST on foot wear with retail price < 1000 ?
what is its effective date ?
Venkatesh Chamarthi (CA) (44 Points)
14 December 2018What is the rate of GST on foot wear with retail price < 1000 ?
what is its effective date ?
Venkatesh Chamarthi
(44 Points)
Replied 14 December 2018
GST rate is 5% for foot wear reail price < 1000
it has been substituted for Rs. 500 from 27.07.2018
Is 27.07.2018 effective date for 5% i.e the supplier shall charge gst @ 5% from 27.07.2018 onwards, or is there any other date for the same ?
Shivam RC
(23683 Points)
Replied 14 December 2018
chamarthi venkatesh
(Student CA Articleship)
(848 Points)
Replied 15 December 2018
Thanks for your reply