goods purchase from urd dealer like weffer, biscuits then gst is applicable because this all item is mention mrp and i pay full mrp to dealer, as per gst rules include tax in mrp, pls suggest how treat this case in gst
jayesh (accountant) (361 Points)
21 July 2017goods purchase from urd dealer like weffer, biscuits then gst is applicable because this all item is mention mrp and i pay full mrp to dealer, as per gst rules include tax in mrp, pls suggest how treat this case in gst
Vineeth PN
(Account Assistant)
(687 Points)
Replied 21 July 2017
Nomatter is printed mrp. when you are purchase from URD you are liable to pay RCM if u r purchse from URD more than 5000.
(361 Points)
Replied 22 July 2017
in this case double tax implement, mrp is inclusive of all tax and in rcm also pay gst
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