GST on Membership fees to online sites

Billionaire DSR (1 Points)

20 December 2019  

I run an online website (forum) where People Register to become a member by paying online (via paytm payment gateway).

I only collect their email addresses for registration, no details like place or state.

Paytm charges certain commission on each payment and charges GST on that commission. 

The overall amount that paytm desposits in my bank account is Total Sales - (Total Commissions + GST on Commissions)

Now do I need to pay GST to Government on all the sales made. If yes how much ?

Also how would I know how much GST to pay to which State as I have not collected the same information from my users ?

And if I need to pay GST, then that means total tax I would be paying is 18% GST + 30% ITR (on income above 10lakhs) which comes close to 50%. Is it Right or I'm missing something ?