Jayanta Bandyopadhyay (340 Points)

20 November 2023  

Dear Sir


We seek your guideline 


We are manufacturer cum Merchantise star  export house.  Some remote maintenance support service was provided to foreign client to whom we had supplied machinery under a different PO / Invoice.


As we receive forex against services element. GST Dept asks for e-FIRC but AD says that FIRC is stopped long back and e-FIRC is meant for FII/ FDI. 


GST Dept disallows exempt Supply from turnover and issues SCN asking fine / penalty.


For service, where is tax credit part unlike equipment export. We are not IT company.

Is our service coming under definition of service export? If Banks refuse per RBI guideline, then how to convince GST Dept




Jayanta Bandyopadhyay 
