What would be GST rate, if a person running a medical stores wants to opt for compositon scheme in GST.
Thanks in advance
Yash Chordia (PRACTICE) (58 Points)
31 May 2017What would be GST rate, if a person running a medical stores wants to opt for compositon scheme in GST.
Thanks in advance
Yash Chordia
(58 Points)
Replied 23 June 2017
so i have to filed the return under Presumptive scheme?
i think this year Govt has changed FORM 4, now its only for presumptive income
Khan Abdullah Ismail
(22 Points)
Replied 07 July 2017
Can Medical Stores opt for Compositon scheme as they are selling meicaines on MRP.
Whether it will effect the Distributors and in what way
Vandana Nair
(Article Assistant)
(27 Points)
Replied 23 August 2017
Did you get any reply for this query? If yes, please share it with me also.
Vikas Bansal
(CA Final Student)
(22 Points)
Replied 14 September 2017
Hii, I have same Query if a medical Store opted for Composition scheme, sell the Medicine at MRP inclusive of all taxes, whether he have to reverse taxes which are already included in MRP Rate.
praveen chanahal
(34 Points)
Replied 24 September 2017