Group Study Notes

Page no : 2

Dhaval K.Toprani (CA-IPCC Student) (1150 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

sonam..sirf ise hi mat refer karna..main reference module hi sirf outline hai jo revision mein help karti hai ya topic refresh karne ke liye hai...

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very helpful.....thanks a lot

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Dhaval K.Toprani (CA-IPCC Student) (1150 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

keep following it..there's a lot more to come and also do join in for the u can be a part of the notes right at the start only...

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Originally posted by : CA Ravi sisodia

What a concept  ****************** great !!!!!!!!!
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Mohammed (CS, Mcom, LLB) (857 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

Kya Baat Kya Baat Kya Baat!!!! Really nice yaar

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REVATI (,CA Final) (Proprietor) (153 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

Originally posted by : Mohammed

Kya Baat Kya Baat Kya Baat!!!! Really nice yaar
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CA Ravi Roy (Self Employed) (128 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

@ dhaval==gud post

@ all cci member=em gonna to appear for nov ipcc pls help me in prepartion of law ( strategy n tricks to prepare law)

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Gourav Kapoor (CA Final Student) (2977 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

good work yar.........hats off to u people........vauable addition to CCI...i wish i cud be the part of this discussion...

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Pradip Narsingani (Income Tax & GST Consultant/ CA-Final)   (572 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011


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you all are great yar

u r doing wonderful job on CCI

keep sharing

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prashant (prashant) (53 Points)
Replied 17 February 2011

thanks bro,

its rally helpful keep going.

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Dhaval K.Toprani (CA-IPCC Student) (1150 Points)
Replied 18 February 2011



Basic Concepts


Income earned in a year is taxable in next year. The year in which income is earned is P.Y. and the next year in which income is taxable is A.Y.

A.Y. means the period starting from Apr 1 and ending on Mar. 31 of next year. Financial Year preceding the A.Y. is P.Y.  Income of P.Y. is taxed in A.Y. at the

rates prescribed by the relevant Finance Act.

P.Y. in case of newly set-up Business

It starts on the date of setting up of the business or on the date when the new source of income comes into existence and ends on immediately

following Mar.31. In short it may be 12 months or less in this case. But the second and subsequent P.Y. are always of 12M each.

e.g. X sets a new business on Mar3,2011. Find P.Y. for A.Y. 2011-12 - Answer Mar3 2011 to Mar 31 2011

So except in this case P.Y. is the financial year immediately preceding the A.Y.   

Exceptions to rule that income of P.Y. is taxable in immediately foll. A.Y.

(i) Income of Non-resident from shipping

(ii) Income of persons leaving India either permanently or for a long period of time

(iii)  Income of bodies formed for a short duration

(iv) Income of person trying to alienate his assets with a view to avoid payment of tax

(v) Income of discontinued business

F.Y. is both a P.Y. as well as an A.Y

Definition of person is inclusive and not exhaustive. It generally have 7 categories- Individual, H.U.F. , Firm, Co. , AOP OR BOI , Local Authority and Artificial Juridical Person

Income tax is an annual tax

Tax rates are fixed by Finance Act and not by the Income Tax Act

It is levied on Total Income

Income may be received in cash or kind. It's valuation is made according to Income Tax Rules

Income arises either on receipt or on accrual basis. We also have concept of deemed to accrue. It can also be illegal.

I.Tax can't be held up or postponed merely becoz of existence of dispute regarding the title of income.

Reimbursement of exps. is not treated as income. For e.g.Reimbursement of travelling exps.

Application of income is chargeable to tax while Diversion of income by overriding title is not.

If a person receives a tax free income on which tax is paid by person making payment , it has to be grossed up for inclusion in his total income.

Source of income need not exist in the A.Y.

Revenue receipt is taxable unless it is expressly exempt while capital receipts are not taxable unless it is expressly taxable.

Any perq or special allowance received is taxable in the hands of employee.

Any capital gain U/S 45 is income.

Employees contribution towards PF is treated as income of employer.

The Table will help u to understand Total Income and Gross Total income










TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5)












(+) E.CESS


(+) S.H.E.C.






Agriculture Income

Aggregation of Agricultural Income

1. Agricultural Income

2. Non Agricultural Income

3. Total Income (1+2)

4. Tax Payable on (3)

5. Total of Agricultural Income + Basic Exemption Limit

6. Tax Payable on (5)

7. Net tax Payable (3-5)

Aggregation is not required in following cases :-

a) When agricultural income doesnot exceed 5000

b) When non agricultural income is below basic exemption limit.

c) When non agricultural income is in losses.

Segregation of Agricultural Income  and Non Agricultural Income in certain cases

1. Rubber, Centrifuged Latex, etc.- AI - 65% NAI- 35%

2. Coffee Grown and Cured    - AI - 75% NAI- 25%

3. Coffee Grown, Cured, Roasted and Grounded AI - 60% NAI- 40%

4.Tea    AI - 60% NAI- 40%

Residential Status

Residential Status-Section 6

Individual :-

1. Resident : An indivdual is said to be resident if he satisfies any one of the basic conditions

a) If he lives in india for a period not less than 182 days or more in the previous year OR

b)If he lives for not less than 60 days or more in the previous year and in addition if he also lives for not less than 365 days in the 4 years preceding previous years.

2. Non Resident : If  the above conditions are not satisified he is non resident.

3. Resident and not ordinarily resident : First the any one of the above two basic conditions should be satisified. And any one of the below mentioned additional conditions should be satisfied.

a) He should be non resident in atleat 9 years out of 10 years preceding previous year.

b) His staying in india should not exceed 729 days in the 7 years preceding previous year.

4. Resident and ordinarily resident : First any one of the basic conditions should be satisified and neither of the additional conditions are satisfied.

HUF :-

Residential Status of HUF depends upon the control and Management and even also on the residential status of Karta. The residential status of karta is as follows:-

1. Resident : If control and Management is situated wholly and partially in india, then it is said to be resident in india.

2. Non-Resident : If control and management is situated wholly outside India, then it is said to be non resident in india.

3. Resident and not ordinarily resident in India :- The Control and Management should be wholly or partially in India. Karta should satisfy any one of the two additional conditions

a) He should be non resident in atleat 9 years out of 10 years preceding previous year.

b) His staying in india should not exceed 729 days in the 7 years preceding previous year.

4. Resident and ordinarily resident : - The contol and management should be wholly or partially in india.

karta will not satisfy  the above two additional conditions.

Scope of Total Income - Section 5

Residential Status

Resident and ordinarily resident

Resident and not ordinarily resident

Non Resident





1.     Income received and deemed to be received in India




2.     Income arise or accrue or deemed to arise or accrue in India




3.     Income accrue or arise outside India

a.     Control and Management is in India



Not Taxable                                                                                                     

b.     Others


Not Taxable

Not Taxable



Q.1 What is Gross Total Income and what are the treatment of losses with respect to it?


Acc. to Sec.14 of IT Act GTI is aggregate of incomes computed under the foll. 5 heads :-

(i) Salary (ii) House Property (iii) PGBP (iv) Capital Gain & Other sources.

After aggregating incomer under the various heads, losses are adjusted and resultant figure is GTI.

Q.2 What is Association of Persons and who can be it's members?. Just receiving the income jointly is necessary feature of it?

(5 Marks)

An AOP is formed when persons come together to form a joint enterprise but haven't constituted a partnership under the law.

Receiving income jointly is not the only aop must have a common purpose and action.

It can constitute of individuals,companies,associations and firms as its members

X and Y are legal heirs of Z who died in 2006. They continue business without entering into partnership. This is AOP

ABC Housing Co-operative society is also AOP.

Q.3 Diff. b/w Deduction and exemption

Exemptions means the Amounts not at all charged any taxes, while calculating the Gross Total Income in that the amounts exempted u/s.10. Ex. 10(16) - Scholarship

Deductions means the amounts deducted partial or full based on conditions, it includes in the Gross Total Income, after that they are deducted u/s.80. Ex. u/s.80G - Donation

Q.4 Concept of Rounding off of Income and tax i. e. Sec 288A and Sec. 288B.

Rounding off of Total Income [Section 288A]

The total income shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of ten rupees and for this purpose any part of a rupee consisting of paise shall be ignored. Thereafter if such amount is not a multiple of ten, then, if the last figure is 5 or more, the amount shall be increased to the next higher multiple of 10 and if the last figure of Total Income is less than 5, the amount shall be reduced to the next lower multiple of 10.

Rounding off of tax, etc. [Section 288B]

The amount of tax (including tax deductible at source or payable in advance), interest, penalty, fine or any other sum payable, and the amount of refund due, under the provisions of the Income-tax Act, shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of ten rupees and, for this purpose, where such amount contains a part of ten rupees then, if such part is five rupees or more, it shall be increased to ten rupees and if such part is less than five rupees it shall be ignored.

Q.5 Capital Receipts V/s Revenue Receipts

A receipt referable to fixed capital would be a capital receipt whereas a receipt referable to circulating capital would be a revenue receipt...CR being exempt and RR being taxable...however sale of a capital asset would be chargeable to tax under capital gains

To check the type one has to go by it's nature in the hands of recipient.

Receipt in lieu of source of income is a capital receipt and in lieu of income is revenue. For e.g. Compensation for loss of employment is capital while compensation for

temporary disablement is revenue.

It is not necessary that Revenue receipt is recurring and capital is in lump-sum.

Long term Capital gain is taxable @ 20%

Q.6 Heads where method of accounting is irrelevant

Methods of accounting are irrelevant under the following heads :-
  1. Income from House Property- As the Annual Value of house property is chargeable
  2. Capital Gains
  3. Salary-As salary is chargeable on due or receipt basis whichever comes earlier

Q.7 What is Amalgamation, Merger and De-merger

Amalgamation means merger of 2 or more companies to form one company.Such a merger will be considered as amalgamation only if:
  • All assets and liabilities of the amalgamation co. or companies should become assets and liabilities of the amalgamated company
  • Shareholders holding not less than 75% in the voting powers of the amalgamating company or companies should become shareholders of the amalgamated company


In relation to companies,it means the transfer,pursuant to a scheme of arrangement under sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act,1956,by a "demergerd company" of its one or more of its undertakings is transferred to any "resulting company" in such a manner that:
  • all the property of the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company,immediately before the demerger,becomes the property of the resulting company
  • similarly for liabilties
  • Properties and liabilities are transferred at book values of just before the de merger
  • resulting co. issues its shares to shareholders of demerged company on proportionate basis
  • Shareholders of not less than 3/4ths in value of shares in the DC become shareholders in RC
  • transfers is on a going concern basis and in accordance with section 72A(5) by the Central Govt.

Q.8 X joins an Indian Co. Jan 23,2011. Prior to it, he is not in employment. What are prev. years for A.Y. 2011-12 and A.Y 2012-13

It is a case of new source of income and in such a case P.Y. starts from the day of  existence of such source.

So P.Y> are:-

for A.Y. 2011-12 - Jan23,2011 to Mar. 31 , 2011

For A.Y. 2012-13 - Apr. 1 2011 to Mar.31 2012

Q.9 A person may maintain his books of account on calendar basis but for Taxation purpose he is taxable on F.Y. basis. Comment

The statement given is true. A person can maintain his books for any number of months. But according to Income tax act, he is taxable only on financial year basis i.e, 1st april to the 31st march of the following year.

Q.10 F.Y. is both a P.Y. as well as a A.Y. Comment

Yes Financial year can act as both Previous year and assessment year. A financial year is an Previous Year if the income is earned in this year which will be chargeable to tax in the next year. It is an Assessment year if the income earned in the preceding previous year is assessed in the current financial year.

Q.11 Legal status of D.U. , Delhi Municipal Corp. , Joint family of X and his sons.

Legal status

Delhi University - Artificial Judicial Person

Delhi Municipal Corporation - Local Authority

Joint family of X and his sons - HUF

Q.12 State the activities and operations,income from which is not deemed to accrue or arise in India

(i) In case of a business of which all the operations are not carried out in India

(ii) Purchase of goods in India for the purpose of export

(iii) Collection of news and views in India for transmission out of India

(iv) Shooting of cinematographic films in India

Q.13 Short Note on Place of Accrual of Salary

Salary is deemed to Accrue or arise in India if:-

(i) The service is rendered in India

(ii) If service is rendered outside India provided the employer is Govt. of India and the employee is citizen of India.

(iii) If service is rendered outside India and case (ii) is not attracted then it is deemed to accrue outside India

Q.14 Under what circumstances a non-resident is liable to tax on dividend income

Deke iske do instances ho sakte hai...ya toh use dividend Indian Company se milega ya Foreighn company se....abhi Indian Company se milta hai toh apni Govt ke pet me dukhega aur ye log ko tax lagane ki khujli hogi toh ye log Indian Company pe hi tax laga denge u/s 115-O...matlab NR ke haath mein ye exempt ho jaayega..u/s 10(34)....abhi agar Foreign Company dividend degi kya hoga...kuch nahi hoga...apne govt se koi lena dena hi nahi hai...shaanti se baithi company ko tax bharna padega aur na hi apne NR ko

Q.15 How is royalty defined u/s 9 of the Income Tax Act

(i) Use of any patent, invention, model or trademark.

(ii) Imparting of any info regarding technical,industrial, commercial or scientific work.

(iii) Rendering of services in connection with any of the above activities.

Index of Inputs




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Its wonderful,very helpful...amazing work done by everyone who contributed in making these notes.....

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Dhaval K.Toprani (CA-IPCC Student) (1150 Points)
Replied 18 February 2011

Priyam u can join us too and be a part of the notes then..and making the notes helps more than just reading it


truly saying really wanted to join it....but im very slow at typing...jitne der mein mai notes type karoongi utne der mein duniya kaha se kaha pahuch jayegi....the purpose of group studies will be typing speed is not good for online i was thinking about posting handwritten notes but i think that wudnt solve the purpose ....but ya again i must say a great work done by all.

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