Gross receipt or gross due-which is relevant for tax(44ada)?

Dr.Jyothish Vijay (Dr) (214 Points)

10 January 2018  

I am a doctor getting paid professional fees by an hospital to which I associate. My query is -how is my total professional tax liability calculated for the running financial year(ie April 2017 to March 2018). Is it based on the total gross receipt(the money I receive from the hospital)  during this period or based on the gross amount due for me in the same period? 


There is a difference between those two


Eg: I receive March 2017's professional fees in April 2017 only.  In which years calculation does it go to?  Sometimes I receive professional fees 2 months later.. So these minor points are relevant for me.  Let me reiterate I don't  have salary... Only professional fees for the services I perform.  


I understand that for general purposes,  income "earned" is relevant,  irrespective  of the date when you receive it.  But for section 44 ADA,  the word used is total gross "receipt"...hence I thought receiving date becomes important.